Immunization and Screening
Promote immunization against Hepatitis B Virus and regular screening for all forms of viral hepatitis
Enhance availability and affordability of treatment to manage chronic Hepatitis B and cure Hepatitis C Virus
Connect care providers, wrap-around service providers, researchers, and patients fighting viral hepatitis in all its forms
9am, Every Third Wednesday of the Month
*The Houston Viral Hepatitis Task Force is meeting virtually during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Meetings are open to the public and all are invited. Subscribe to our e-newsletter by submitting your email below to receive invitations to our future meetings. We'll be excited to return to Avenue 360 when it's safe.
The Houston Viral Hepatitis Task Force seeks to eliminate hepatitis in our community.
The Task Force is a coalition of private and public agencies, advocates, and concerned individuals working in partnership and collaboration to monitor and prevent the spread of viral hepatitis, collate and disseminate surveillance data amongst organizations fighting viral hepatitis, improve the quality of life of people living with and those affected by viral hepatitis, and to enhance public knowledge of viral hepatitis.
Richard Andrews, MD
Eliot Davis
Cathy Troisi, PhD
Science Advisor
Soliciting Nominations
Vice President
Rosario Valentin
Houston Health Dept Liaison